Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On this day of your life, Jessica, I believe God wants you to know...

....that a point of view different from your own might

be wellworth entertaining.

Sometimes it is not easy hearing an idea that is

different from the one you are advancing -- yet it

might be that second idea for which you were actually

reaching for.

Answers arrive in more ways than one. Sometimes

they come through us, and sometimes they come

to us.


  1. Sameul,
    I just gave you a wave to say 'Hi'. Why not go for a short walk and let the outdoors and the people on the streets to fill your view.

  2. Thank you Nancy...
    what would you do if you feel you dont belong to this world ?

  3. Samuel, I would say stay strong, have faith, and live your life the best you can. Until God takes you home there is so much to look at in this world. The random motivation quotes on Jessica's blog always inspires me.

  4. Good that I can inspire ... I just trying to express what I feel and my thoughts ;-)

    Love to both of you :-)
