Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quote of today 2010.03.25

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it.
If you don't ask, the answer is always no.
If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.

I got the message, just a little slow sometimes ;-)


  1. Yeah, I know I'm in the slow lane at times. A thought came to my mind yesterday, God has a reason for each of us and that reason is the wick in the candle, everything else is a filler which is the wax body of the candle. God has left the filler up to us(relationships, jobs, hobbies, activities, society). But will forever guide us as we look for the Spritual path...sparking the Light. This Light that we gain I hope will allow us to create better fillers, which is our actions in our Life.

  2. That was a wonderful description of life ... thank you :-)

    Love Jessica

  3. Thanks, Jessica for the positive feedback. I have been thinking about these thoughts off and on today trying to maybe go deeper, or better understanding. Another thing that came to mind is everytime we build on the wick God ignites it and the filler changes, like the wax around it melts so you get a chance to make a better wax body to surround the wick(spiritual path).

    If my description has any truth I am just so surprise that what God needs from us is as fine as thread, and this huge mass we call human life is by us. Therefore it is not easy to understand what is needed to create a balance life, or people themselves make it difficult for each other to apply God's teaching.
