Sunday, February 28, 2010

Picture of today

A little information ...

Thoughts of today 2010.02.28

What if we feel we had enough challenges for a while?
I need a little rest again.
I hope I will found this again in the forest and through meditation.

I always feel guilty when I do nothing, so for me doing nothing is a big challenge.

I always feel I could do this or that, but sometimes we just need to reflect for a while.

Striving for balance is one of my main targets right now.
To have patience to wait and rest (that I learned this last year) and then know when to go even if other disagrees.

We all have challenges in our life, but it would be boring without them and we shouldn´t learn anything either if everything was a piece of cake.

So right now I´m just listening to my heart was is the best for me even if other try to stop me or disagree.

I know there is no other way, to be happy again.

Reflection of today

Paulo Coelho wrote:
07 – You may only live once. But if you do it right, once is enough

My reflection was:
I believe we live several lifes and strange at it seems I want to live even more lifes on Earth if we can make this a better place.

It´s to boring to be on the other side all the time, we need the physical world to live to the fullest and expirience all our feelings.

Right now many things are not good like wars and pullotion, we can make many improvments.
It may never be perfect, then everything becomes too boring, so some challenges along our way spice up the road.

And that is one thing I´m fighting for a better place for all of us. So we can have some heaven on Earth ;-)
Not a boring sunday Earth a joyful and adventures Earth ;-)

Love Jessica

Quotes of today

Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some. - Robert Fulghum

Problems arise in that one has to find a balance between what people need from you and what you need for yourself”- Anonymous

Do not think of your fault; still less of others' faults. Look for what is good and strong and try to imitate it. Your faults will drop off like dead leaves when their time comes.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Question about change

Just had a question on my mind today ....
What if we made a mistake but we didn´t realize it until later or maybe it wasn´t a mistake only that you have changed inside along your path.
Anyway we feel that we need to change our way but it can hurt another persons feelings in some way or the other and you don´t want that, what can we do?

Quote of today

Be open to discoveries. Don't have too fixed a notion of the path, but rather have some idea of the kind of things that most appeal to you. - Anonymous

Friday, February 26, 2010

Mistakes and forgiveness

I have done many mistakes in my life that I´m not very proud of.
But I have to forgive myself and also hope that God can forgive me for the trespasses.
I know God forgive me but it´s harder to forgive myself, it takes time.

I don´t want to do mistake but I did because I didn´t know better at this point in life.
Also we grow thrue our mistakes, when we feel guilt we know what we did was not good for ourself or another person and then we try to change our behaviour to try to do better the next time.

But who decide by the way what is a mistake?
Me, you or God?

I think it is that only we ourself know when we did a mistake,
because we feel guilt and that we could have done things in a better way.

So we can say that we evolve thrue mistakes.
Like on Earth today, we are desolate rainforests and do many more things that is not good for ourself or the Earth.
So it´s time to take a good look at ourself and have the insight that we can do better then what we do now.
We can always improve (I believe anyway).

But also forgive ourself for our mistakes, we all do mistakes.

I also think I´m not done yet with doing mistakes (I think we never are),
but I will learn from them and then move on a little bit wiser ;-)

I hope we can make this world a better place for all of us, by learning thrue our mistakes.

A quote about forgiveness:
To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. - Lewis B Smedes

Quote of today

I just try to be the best I can be and hope that is the best ever. - Anonymous
Found this on the ground today.
I hope it´s a sign that my buisness goes well :-)
I´m an optimist *smile*

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Transformation it´s a process

Through life I have been changing many times not at least in my profession.

At first I was an au-pair in USA, then I was working as a travelsalesman,
after that I became a networkeningeer and now I have start working as a masseuer and with reiki and with spirituality.

I feel like a chameleon :-)

I don´t regret anything of it.
My travel thrue life has taken me too many places and meet so many different people.

I had a real crises last year for many reasons but now I have start moving again toward my new dreams.

And also I have met wonderful people helping me on my way to recovery, each person has bringed me blessings in their own way.

I think everything I have been thrue in life has learned me something and even the most dark moments has learned me something and number one is:
*Don´t give up hope, there are always a new sunrise behind the corner even though we have to struggle to reach it.

And when the day comes when I´m going to die, I hope I can look back at my life and be proud of myself that I did my best.

I´m looking forward to what life can bring me next :-)

I just keep on walking and walk around the rocks in my path, our faith can move mountains.

Love and humbleness Jessica

Quote of today

Risk more than others think is safe.
Care more than others think is wise.
Dream more than others think is practical.
Expect more than others think is possible.

Thoughts about death

I saw a documentary yesterday about muslim traditions when they bury their loved onces.

I think death is a part of life and we never know when it going to happen so we better life our life to the fullest.

But one thing made me cry and I felt so sad, it was when a muslim mother that was only 30 years old died because of a robbery in a store and when I saw the husband and the childs sorrow I just cry so much, I felt their pain.

So it´s kind of double when someone dies.
We who still is here are very sad because it creates a emptiness that they are not here physical.

But as a clairvoyant I´m sure for myself anyway, that we can talk to our loved ones and communicate even if they have gone to the other side.
I have had many proof for my own doubts, maybe I talk about this later on also ;-)

But still we are going to miss their physical presense.

For myself I´m not afraid of dying, when it´s my time to go it´s my time, but I want to stay here at Earth as long as I can.

I love to live :-)

We are all going to meet again on the other side that is a comfort for me.

Reflection about the past year

I have been thinking a lot lately.
A lot of reflection :-)

Seems like I have learned a lot of lesson this past year, so what happened to me seem to be a bleesing in disguise.

I have learned to be even more humble and don´t take life for granted.

There are both small and big miracles, for a start is a miracle am still alive I have meet death more then once in my life and survived.

I will tell you more about that later on, maybe in a book ;-)

Even though it gave me a trauma, I´m very happy to be alive :-)

Another thing I´ve learned is when you show your sad is not a weakness is a strenght that you are able to show your true emotions.
Also being able to ask for help when you need it is strenght not a weakness.

How can others help you if you seem to be OK on the outside and hiding your emotions on the inside?
Not all people have the awarness yet to see when something is wrong, or is it me that was so good at hiding my emotions behind a wall?

Now I can help people even better when I have been through a lot myself, when you been at the bottom and can´t find a solution, when everything seem so dark.

I didn´t gave up my hope totally, only for a brief period.

Now I can see and feel the light again even though it can be hard sometimes, but I will never give up hope again.
Now I know I have angels and God by my side, I´m convinced about that.

Love Jessica

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thoughts 2010.02.24

Saved by the bell (a miracle)

Lately everyhting seems to going my way ... it´s a miracle :-)

I can´t believe it almost, it´s to good to be true.

The last year everything went donwhill for several reasons (both private and work).
Now slowly everything is going better and better.

Not long ago I didn´t know what to do, I was almost turning bankrupt and without a job.
I just couldn´t go back to my "old" work, it made me sick to be there.

I knew I had to follow my heart otherwise my soul would slowly die, I just needed to listen to my heart very carefully.

But with a friends help and the goverment I´m on the right track again.

It ´s like you are swimming in the wrong aquarium, you feel trapped and you don´t know how you can switch it, you need some help to move to the ocean :-)

I was so depressed and sad, and I prayed and the answer was:
*Not to worry, he only tested my faith (very funny *LOL*)
*Just believe in miracles and they will happen.
*Forgive yourself for the mistakes you done, an also forgive thoose who hurt you.
*And also I made a promise but that is a secret for now ;-)

And there are also questions God (or the Source or whoever it is) will not answer he/she just smile back at me, and some I don´t understand yet.
But I hope I will understand soon or maybe I just have to understand that God work in mysterious ways.

Some people around me has believed I´m crazy when I say that I talk to God, they was afraid that I was nuts.
Maybe I should not have told them, could have saved me a lot of trouble.

The funny thing is they say they believe in God (or do they really???).
Now they has accepted it, but can´t understand it.
Here in Sweden many think you are crazy if you talk to God, so let them think so I don´t care anymore.

I also took courage and told the goverment about my situation and they helped me thank God.
So now I´m on my way back to recovery again.

Doing what I love: reiki and massage and spiritual work :-)
I just cross my fingers and hope it can stay so for a while so I can get back on my feet totaly again.

But for now I´m just so happy and feel blessed that a solution came along.

Still there are issues to solve, but I´m sure the stronger I get this will be solved somehow.

Love Jessica

The flower of faith, the compass flower :-)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thoughts of today 2010.02.23 tuesday

I have felt so good about myself recently.

Things are finaly moving or am I moving?
Maybe both :-)

The last year has been one of the toughest for me in many many years.
Maybe I will explain one day, it´s kind of complicated.

For one thing I have changed my career from networkengineer to work with reiki & massage and spirituality.

I have looked deep into myself and found out what my heart wants and I´m taking step by step to achieve it.

I have started with doing reiki & massage in a goverment project at my friends company,
and soon I will also start my own buisness and stand on my two own feats.

It´s so exciting and fun.

Also been starting working with spirituality in different ways.
So much is happening right know and it feels great :-)

At first I thought I was a little crazy and felt very alone, because in Sweden it is not so common to be working with spirituality but I hope that will change :-)

Now I have found several friends that are in the same way, and it is so much fun to discuss things and work together.
So what if some think I´m crazy, I will not care about thoose people, just focus on what I need to do.

I just want to be the authentic me :-)

Now it´s also my turn to help other find the direction out of the abyss.

Another thing I love is to read and also write, who knows some today maybe I publish something, but for now it has to grow for a while :-)

Have a wonderful day :-)

There are some things in life that you are not meant to be.
Don't waste your time and tears trying to be them.
Reach for the things you are meant to be, and you will reach your destiny.
Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.

Chief Seattle, 1854

Honor the sacred.
Honor the Earth, our Mother.
Honor the Elders.
Honor all with whom we
share the Earth:-
Four-leggeds, two-leggeds,
winged ones,
Swimmers, crawlers,
plant and rock people.
Walk in balance and beauty.

Native American Elder


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Curly Sue
Had a peregrine falcon in a meditation some days ago find this today on Internet:

In the Native American traditions the peregrine falcon is associated with past life recall and can show us how to dive into ourselves without fear. It holds the medicine of precision, timing, grace, patience and acute mental perception. It teaches those with this medicine how to use their mental capabilities to the fullest, move in harmony with their own rhythm and strike with force when necessary.


by Maria Yracébûrû

Ancient Ones, Keepers of Knowledge, guide my heart and bless my tongue with words of hope and love. Ancient Ones, may I speak only with reverence. Hear my prayer, that others remember, Sacred Law. Chajala Nakía, Healing Snake of the South, be my inspiration. My dreams guide me. I take my first step toward the Dream Reality.

I have sympathy for those in fear. I have compassion for others’ lessons. Chajala Hada’didla, Healing Thunderbeings of the South West, fill me and infuse me with your glorious radiance. The power of healing is mine. All of today’s opportunities are easy, because I choose so.

I build my life on Tlish Diyan principles. May it be a good building when my work is complete. Chajala Eo’to’to, Healing Bear of the West, send forth in a blaze of glory the declaration of my triumphant emergence from the restrictions of all physical limitation. I need never go back again. I am spared that. My destiny lies in the future. I am certain it brings all that I desire, and more. I realize that past days have ended. I face each new day, the coming twenty four hours, with hope and courage.

Chajala Dolee’atee, Healing Little Ones of the North West, I, who have known ignorance, bigotry and injustice live to be a shining example of unconditional love and pure intent. The patterns I weave with my life are complex, full of intricate detail and knots. I go at my own pace, taking one stitch at a time. It is the perfect fit for my overall design. I take my lessons in stride. I accept what comes as part of Spirit’s plan for my spiritual growth.

Chajala Tuma, Healing Buffalo of the North, who has been an inspiration and sacred overseer of many of my incarnations, a deep breath invites the inner strength to move through me. I feel the exhilaration of Spirit’s power. I know the excitement of growth and peace. I feel that Spirit’s power is mine. I am able to face anything through that power.

Chajala Kachiñas, Healing Master Teachers of the North East, liberate me from any limitation that keeps me from fulfilling my highest good. I am never given more than I, and my higher power, can handle. The flow of Spirit comes to me through many channels. I function on the spiritual plane as well as on the material plane.

Chajala Itzá, Healing Eagle of the East, who has been my teacher, guardian and protector since time immortal, the lessons of love increase my rapture. I dwell with Spirit at the center of my life. I keep that inner peace at the center of my being.

Chajala Nohwiza’ye, Healing Ancestors of the South East, fill me with the desire to know and experience the hidden wisdom of the ages. A deep breath invites the inner strength to move through me. I feel the exhilaration of Spirit’s power. I know the excitement of growth and peace. May I be a help to discouraged people. May I have the courage to help bring about what the weary world needs but does not know how to get.

Chajala Yusn, Healing Giver of All Life from Above, universal teacher and bearer of truth and wisdom, be my inspiration. Depression must be coddled to maintain it. I choose to move beyond it, by kicking it off my train. I enjoy the results. May I be used by Spirit to lighten many burdens. May many souls be helped through my efforts.

Chajala Esonkñhsendehé, Healing Changing Mother from Below, infuse me with all the healing energy, love and compassion of your wondrous nature. I am grateful for my lessons today and know all is well. I reach forward and upward. May my character be changed by this reaching upward for the things of Spirit.

Chajala Pinu’u, Healing Higher Power of Myself from Within, I endeavor to personify hope and inspiration in my manner, speech and actions. When I am uncomfortable with certain people, and the feelings don’t leave, I consider what might transmute the energy. I open myself to the way and ask to be shown the steps necessary. I am patient. I accept the limitless and eternal Spirit. May this Power express itself in my life.

Chajala Bidáá, Healing Higher Power of the Light of All That Is, for whom I feel such great affinity, guide and sustain me in my quest for truth and creative powers. How great is my influence today! I go forth feeling love. I choose to ? it guarantees an enjoyable day for me and everyone I meet. I will not be held back. I let Spirit lead me forward. In my heart beats the Beauty Way, pulsing with each breath I take. In my thoughts burns the Eternal Fire, Spirit’s light to show the way. In my soul is the Sacred Way, the power to obtain lies within. Heartbeat of Esonkñhsendehé, Fire of Yusn, Power of Bidáá, my connection is strong.
Daaiina, and so it is.

This spoke to my soul today :-)

Love Jessica

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This song has haunted me all day. Can´t get it out of my mind *smile*

Fly me to the moon