Saturday, January 31, 2009
Gabriellas song
And this song makes me feel a lot, and I cried because it touch me very much.
I´m so happy :-)
Feels like a lot of pieces has fallen into place.
I have decided what to do in several areas of my life, which direction I will take.
For start I will take each day as it comes and be happy for the small and big miracles that happens every day.
Be grateful for each day I can grow on this Earth :-)
Today I feel peace and serenity inside, it´s so wonderful.
It may have helped that I did yoga this morning, helped me calm down and center myself :-)
I feel so thankful for what I have expierienced in my life so far.
It has made my wiser, more tolerant and more humble, and also made me appriciate the small things in life :-D
Friday, January 30, 2009
a strange day
One is that I´m determined to go forward no matter what.
See where my inner voice takes me.
I don´t know the outcome but I know I have to take a leap of faith and just trust my inner voice.
Theres no return from here, I just have to follow my heart, that is nothing else I can do.
And I want to live my life to the fullest, with no regrets.
So if other disagree .... I don´t care, it´s MY life, they should look at their own lives instead following their heart :-)
No one else knows what is right for me.
And I had have a lot of signs telling me what I should do and don´t be scared.
Even though I´m scared I know everything is going to turn out well in the end if I just trust in the light :-)
Nickelback If today was your last day
My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each days a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned
Leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride
If today was your last day
If tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday
Would you live each moment like your last
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have
If today was your last day
Going against the grain should be a way of life
What's worth the price is always worth the fight
Every second counts cause there's no second try
So live it like you're never living twice
Don't take the free ride in your whole life
If today was your last day
If tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday
Would you live each moment like your last
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have
And would you call old friends you never see
Reminisce old memories
Would you forgive your enemies
And would you find that one your dreaming of
Swear up and down to god above
That you'll finally fall in love
If today was your last day
If today was your last day
Would you make your mark
On ending a broken heart
You know it's never too late
To shoot for the stars
Regardless of who you are
So do whatever it takes
Cause you can't rewind
A moment in this life
Let nothing stand in your way
Cause the hands of time
Are never on your side
If today was your last day
If tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday
Would you live each moment like your last
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have
And would you call old friends you never see
Reminisce old memories
Would you forgive your enemies
And would you find that one your dreaming of
Swear up and down to god above
That you'll finally fall in love
If today was your last day
Thursday, January 29, 2009
About Sri Chinmoy
At an early age his parents died, and shortly after this Chinmoy, with his brothers and sisters, moved to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, South India.
Here Sri Chinmoy engaged deeply in meditation and spiritual activities, attaining a high state of Self - Realisation, or awareness of one’s true divine nature.
To promote greater oneness and harmony in the world, Sri Chinmoy offered weekly prayers and meditations at the United Nations for 37 years.
During his lifetime, Sri Chinmoy met with many world leaders, such as Michael Gorbachev, John Paul II and Mother Teresa; he explained that these meetings inspired one another to carry on their work for world harmony.
Poems from Sri Chinmoy
Because of its lack of wisdom,
A snake drinks milk
And emits poison.
Because of his vast wisdom,
A saint drinks poison
And offers milk.
This is wisdom in oneness,
Wisdom in perfection,
Wisdom in God-satisfaction.
All of us must act like a saint.
My ignorance thunders:
You are nothing, I am everything.
My knowledge declares:
You know something,
But I know much more.
My wisdom whispers:
You and I know nothing of everything
On earth,
And everything of nothing
In Heaven.
Friendship is based on forgiveness.
Today if your friend has done something wrong,you have to forgive her immediately by thinking that you could have made the same mistake.
If she has been nasty to you today, you have to forgive her immediately.
Tomorrow you may be in the same position - you could be nasty to her.
So if you forgive her when she is nasty, then if a day comes when you are equally nasty, she will forgive you.Good qualities eventually come for ward.Good qualities will not remain dormant forever and forever.
The sun is dancing,
The moon is dancing,
The stars are dancing.
I am dancing this moment
With the sun, moon and stars.
Next moment I am sailing
With the sky.
The sky makes me feel
That I am the vastness of Infinity’s Heart;
The sun, moon and stars make me feel
That God’s creation is for ecstasy’s beginningless birth
And endless journey.
Paulo Coelho
on January 26, 2009
This week Im participating in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Contrary to the common perception, people there don’t conspire against the world but actually try to find and exchange new ideas.
So, to improve the state of the world, what would you suggest?
I’m going to check your answers and eventually share them with the people Ill meet there. Thank you then for your opinion on this matter.
My comment:
We need to see each other like equals.
We are all worth the same men, women, children, animals and nature.
We are all one, no one is worth more then the other, we need to remember this.
And to live in symbios with nature not conquer it.
To only take what we need, and be grateful.
Not kill more animals then we need, not overconsumate, then we need 5 more Earths if we continue this way.
Love Jessica
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
some quotes from Neale Donald Walsch
And we're seeing a higher level of consciousness and many more opportunities for people to challenge their present ways of thinking and move into a grander and larger experience of who they really are.
As the new spirituality begins to become the pervasive spirituality of the planet, we'll find that we have abandoned our philosophy of contradictions in which we say we're all one but continue to try to win.
As we move into the 21st century, there's what the Bible calls a 'quickening of the spirit.'
Beyond the Catholic exclusionary paradigm is a larger one which is the Christian one. Christians claim that if you don't believe in Christ, you can't get to heaven. Well that eliminates two thirds of the world's population!
I was told to challenge every spiritual teacher, every world leader to utter the one sentence that no religion, no political party, and no nation on the face of the earth will dare utter: 'Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.
The sad part about our past is that religions, ironically enough, are responsible for creating the most destructive idea that has ever been visited upon the human race: the idea that there is such a thing as 'better.'
God is everything
God is the god of the brave, because the brave are those who take decisions even though they are afraid and who act despite the fear.( Brida )
My comment:
God is everything …..
I agree with Neale Donald Walsch in his books "Conversations with God".
We can´t even understand Gods love.
That even Adolf Hitler is also Gods child and loved, when we can understand this we can understand God.
Only love can heal everything.
Can we be totally healed on this side (when we live)?
I don´t know…But I have hope and faith.
And I know when we come back to the other side we remember what we are.
We are a piece of Gods light, and this I hope we understand when we live.
We often forget this sadly :-(
We all have to wake up and turn into the light and share our love :-)
hidden enemies from Paulo Coelho
The friends of the warrior of the light wonder where his energy comes from.
He answers: “from the hidden enemy.”
His friends ask him who that is.
The warrior answers: “someone we cannot hurt.”
It may be a boy who beat him in a fight when they were youngsters, the girlfriend who left him at the age of eleven, the teacher who called him stupid.
The hidden enemy becomes a stimulus.
When the warrior is tired, he remembers that he has yet to show his courage.
He does not think about vengeance, because the hidden enemy is no longer part of his history. He thinks only of improving his skills so that his feats can be known to all and reach the ears of those who have hurt him in the past.
Yesterday’s pain has become today’s strength.
My respond:
Dear Paulo,
I just can´t stop thinking that it sounds like acting from bitterness.
What thew warrior have forgot is that he himself may have hurt someone sometime, and that he has to forgive himself for his own actions.
As he should forgive the actions from the hidden enemy.
Because the hidden enemy may have acted from fear to save themself from being hurt.
The warrior should seek joy and follow his own dreams and not think about what other people have done or not done in the past.
And if the hidden enemy from the past shows up again he should listen what they want to say, don´t judge them.
They probably want to say I´m sorry.
And maybe they can become friends again ?
We live in the moment, we cannot change the past, and the future isn´t here yet.
We have to turn ourselves into the light and joy, and withdraw from the drama of other peoples life.Become balanced and centred within our selves.
Forgivness is the key and to give people a second chance :-)
Love Jessica
Poems from Sri Chinmoy
If not, you will suffer.
Change! Change! You will prosper.
Brave, brave the old!
If not, you will die.
Brave, brave the new!
You will fly.
Don't resist; Be flexible.
Don't be rigid; Be supple.
Welcome change!
Each change Is an illumining opportunity To knock at the door
Of fulfilling progress sweet.
Change yourself slowly
And cheerfully.
Conditions will change immediately And unimaginably.
O pilgrim soul, Divinity Is in your untiring feet.
O pilgrim soul, Infinity Is in your unblinking eyes.
O pilgrim soul Eternity Is in your unbending head.
O pilgrim soul, Immortality Is in your unthinking heart.
~Sri Chinmoy~
Go with the flow :-)
I trust my guides, the angels and guide !!!!
I don´t think so much anymore and worrying about how everything will be,
I just feel and try to follow my inner guidance :-)
Love and courage
Monday, January 26, 2009
just some love quotes
no one can predict where it will take you.
Love will fill your heart, break your heart and
then heal the heart that's broken.
~ Robert Fulghum
One makes mistakes; that is life.But it is never a mistake to have loved.
~ Romain Rolland
There's no such thing as puppy love. Love is love, no matter what your age
And we all suffer from its loss.
~ Laura Ramirez
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the
presence of fate is strength undefeatable.
~ Helen Keller
When one door closes, another opens
but we often look so long and regretfully
upon the closed door that we do not seethe one which has opened for us.
~ Alexander Graham Bell
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude.
Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things.
~Paul (A.D. First Century) 1 Corinthians 13:4-7~
"It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and a lifetime to forget them."
~Author Unknown~
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Quote from Fatih in Paulo Coelhos blog
It´s so beautiful and just how I also feel like right now
So thank you Faith for publishing it :-)
Help me as I let go of more things in my life
To shed more of what is no longer working for me in my path
To have the heart and the strength to accept my Truth
To continue walking this road with You.
Help me as I jump off the cliff again
In faith that I will be able to spread my wings
In hopes that I will fly and soar
In gratitude because You are always with me.
Thank you for all the things and people you have blessed me with.
Thank you for having the trust that I can make it.
Thank you for believing in me.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Second chance
And I cried a lot!!!
It´s about the choices we make in life, which may have a big impact on the future.
But in the end he got his second chance ..... and I cried even more ;-)
It seems right now that everything has a red thread when I´m walking on my true path.
Like everything falls into place bit by bit.
Why should I see this movie right now when I´m thinking of second chances ???
So I just continue walking my true path even though when I feel afraid, and don´t know what is waiting around the corner.
I put my faith in God and the angels that they protect me and give me courage to do what I have to do.
I just have to listen carefully to them.
A scene from the movie
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Because a person in my surrounding (kind of a relative) has died a tragical death.
I feel sad but in the same time, numbed by chock.
He had so much to live for, even though he didn´t realized it at this time.
It´s soo sad.
I will not tell anymore about this right now.
Just a poem:
You Never Said Goodbye
You never said I’m leaving
You never said goodbye
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knew why
A million times I needed you,
A million times I cried
If love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died
In life I loved you dearly
In death I love you still
In my heart you hold a place,
That no one could ever fill
It broke my heart to lose you,
But you didn’t go alone
For part of me went with you,
The day God took you home.
Author Unknown
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Whether people accept these categories or not, most will agree that the current generation of children is very different to their predecessors.
These children seem somehow smarter, brighter and wiser.
They are attracted to and easily master difficult and complex technologies.
They are passionate, focussed and honest about their feelings. Relationships are important to them.
These children have strong wills, a strong sense of their own self-esteem and often refuse entirely to be dominated by authoritarian systems, whether they be schools or families.
They have problems at school, often being labelled ADD or ADHD, and as teen-agers they tend to get involved with drugs, alcohol and other forms of "extreme" dysfunctional behaviour.
But who are these children and why is their behaviour so extreme and so difficult for parents and communities.
A Global CrisisIn order to understand why these children have come to planet Earth at this time, we need to understand why their special gifts are needed at this time.
Our beloved planet, Earth, has reached a crisis in her evolution.
We, as her children, have reached a point of impasse or stagnation in our growth.
We have hemmed ourselves in with systems that have become impersonal and no longer function for the greater good of the human community.
We have created systems of economics, education, and health that were once focussed on assisting communities, but now seem nore interested in greed and profit.
More and more of the world's people are becoming impoverished in both material and spiritual terms as a small minority accumulate more power and wealth for themselves.
As humans we have forgotten that we are a family, and that we share a common home, our planet Earth.
We continue to trash our planet in the name of development and to kill each other in senseless wars often fought in the name of religion and "freedom".
It is into this situation that the Indigo and Crystal Children, the "starchildren", have been sent. They are spiritual warriors who have come to shift our consciousness.
They are here to make us aware of what we are doing to ourselves and how we need to change our community life in order to create more nourishing, peaceful and loving situations that will foster our continued growth as a human species.
Enter the Indigo ChildrenFirst came the Indigo Children.
They are spiritual warriors whose function is to smash the old systems so that something new can be created. They are the "systems busters" who will liberate us from our "prisons" of belief.
They do this by incarnating into our families and communities.
They bring with them their gifts of advanced spiritual development - their soul's of " indigo" light, indicating a high level of consciousness and wisdom. But, because they are so "aware" and "awake", they refuse to allow themselves to be constrained or enslaved by the impersonal "systems" of Earth.
They show us that gentle, wise and high level beings cannot flourish and thrive in the systems we have created.
The high level of adolescent and teen-age dysfunction among Indigo children in our society is a signal that our society is dysfunctional and needs to change to accommodate beings of higher ability.
Enter the Crystal ChildrenThe Indigo Children are the trailblazers, the ones who shock us into awareness and instigate change.
They are followed by an even more powerful group, the Crystal Children.
These children are "Warriors of the Heart".
They are here to teach us the ways of love and peace.
Crystal Children are considered to be fully developed "masters" who carry the "christ (christos) consciousness" seed within them. This term denotes a being who is aware of his or her connection with divine source and chooses to live in harmony with this knowing.
Because they function at such a high level of consciousness, these children are extremely sensitive both to their environment and to the feelings and emotions of others.
They have come to teach us about tolerance, repect for others and for our home, Planet Earth.
Teachers of Conscious Awareness
It may be true to say that advanced religions and philosophies have taught these truths for centuries, and the human race as a whole has still not been able to learn the lessons.
This is probably because the concepts have been understood as mental ideas, but not lived as a reality.
The Indigo and Crystal Children are here to confront us with these realities on the level of our families and communities.
They are forcing us - through their very presence - to wake up to what we are doing to ourselves and to the planet.
They do this in the way of the spiritual warrior, by living their truth and making us aware of our truth.
The Indigo Crystal AdventureFor these beings of Higher Consciousness, incarnating on planet Earth at this time is an adventure.
It is a "group project" in which thousands of these souls are arriving as teachers and healers for the human race.
They are here to wake us up and they do whatever they need to shock us into conscious awareness.
But they are also here to have fun. In the years that I have worked with Indigos, a constant theme in their lives in the desire to have fun.
They generally don't see their mission in a heavy and "responsible" way, and for this reason they are quite often underprepared and run into trouble with Earth systems and beliefs.
It is our role to assist them to understand the nature of life on Earth and to help them to create the fun and joy that they seek.
We need to affirm to them that we are hearing them and are willing to help them with their "mission" of conscious evolution.
Creating the "New Earth"The purpose of conscious evolution for the Human species as a whole is to create a "New Earth".
With the assistance of the Indigo and Crystal Children we, as a species, will rediscover our Oneness, our common humanity.
And we will use this knowledge to raise our consciousness and to begin to create a "New Earth". This will be a place where every living being can thrive and be respected for what it is.
Where humans will learn to respect the similarities and the differences between them, and to live with loving tolerance of those differences.
In fact, to celebrate the incredible diversity that characterises our "Oneness" and makes life an "adventure" in consciousness.
What do you think about this article, please leave a comment .
If you ask me, I have a open mind, and think many things are very interesting and relevant in this article.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Wake up call
The accident I came to in november I know I should been in if I didn´t forgot a paper at home, that made me be the first car on site, and i helped as good as I could with the injured people.
This is on of the things that have made me realize that we have to do things right now in this moment, not wait for a better day, then it can be to late.
I can´t just wait for the right oppurtunity, and let everything pass by.
I have to take step by step to travel on my true path and follow my heart :-)
Quote from Steve Job:
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
Everything else is secondary.
Songs of today
No more blame I am destined to keep you sane
Gotta rescue the flame
Gotta rescue the flame in your heart
No more blood, I will be there for you my love
I will stand by your side
The world has forsaken my girl
I should have seen it would be this way
I should have known from the start what she's up to
When you have loved and you've lost someone
You know what it feels like to lose
She's fading away
Away from this world
Drifting like a feather
She's not like the other girls
She lives in the clouds
She talks to the birds
Hopeless little one
She's not like the other girls I know
No more shame, she has felt too much pain, in her life
In her mind she's repeating the words
All the love you put out will return to you
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Live now
~Dale Carnegie
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
~Alexander Graham Bell
Nothing ever gets anywhere. The earth keeps turning round and gets nowhere. The moment is the only thing that counts.
~Jean Cocteau, Professional Secrets
I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read and all the friends I want to see.
~John Burroughs
To change one's life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions.
~William James
more indian qoutes
Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss
Black Elk
A very great vision is needed and the man who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky
Crazy Horse
Friday, January 16, 2009
eagle story

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Life purpose
Because I have thought about this a long time now, and I have had hunches but not seeing the whole picture.
This has made me frustrated.
But I know I have to trust God and just follow the signs and have faith :-D
And when the time is right I´ll better take a leap of faith and jump ;-)
I will live in the present moment and have faith about the future.
The cards
You are a natural counselor and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance
Your life purpose involves counseling people in ways that uplift, motivate, comfort, heal and inspire.
You prayed for answers, and they´ve come to you in form of repetive thougts telling you to take steps and make healthy changes.
You´re tapped into that Divine wisdom right now and it´s important to notice and record your thoughts.
You´re extra sesitive to energies and emotions right now.
Honor yourself and your feelings.
You´re senistivity helps you know the truth about situations and people and it´s important to trust and follow these hunches, intuions and impressions.
Spend some time alone in the nature to further develope your sensitivity.
Live today
And I was chocked .......
The teachers of this course and some other people had been in a severe accident.
This article made me cry, but also made me see once again that we have to live today not waiting for tomorrow, then it can be to late.
I almost ended up in a serious accident myself in novemeber when I was going to a initiation with a quero from Peru.
I arrived to this initiation still having blood on my hands and in shock.
If I hadn´t turned around for a telephone number I had forgot I´m sure I would have ended up in this accident.
This took me 1 ½ minute extra and then I arrived the first car to this accident.
I jumped out of my car feeling an strong urge to help the people in there, even though I was scared as hell with which sight was going to meet me.
And the man in the backseat was stucked and couldn´t almost breath, but I talked to them in the car trying to calm them down.
Because I also know that you shell not move injured people then it can get worse if they have hurt any inner organ.
And also petrol was running under the car so I was thinking what if it´s going to be a fire?
Then I have to try to drag them out of the car.
So many things cross my mind.
And 15 minutes later the ambulance, and fire fighters came, and then I went back to my car.
And then I just set in the car watching everything like in a movie.
It felt unreal but I started to send healing to them in the car.
Then a helicopter came and flow away the most injured men, and I prayed and send more healing.
I couldn´t do anymore at that time.
I read an article in the newspaper next day about the accident and it said that the men in the car where severe injured, but they are going to live.
So I think I have to thank my guides and the my guradian angels that I forgot my paper that day.
And I will live life to the fullest, follow my heart and my soul and my true path.
Tonight before I go to bed I will send healing and light to them which has been in this accident, doing my best to share my love.
A humble and touched Jessica
Ancient saying
"Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisened,
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only then will mankind find that money cannot be eaten.
The words of our grandmothers and grandfathers have taught us
Respect for the Web of Life and the interdependence of all things in the Universe.
The stories passed down through oral traditions remind usthat we are all connected."
I haven´t done this for a time now and I know that I had to,
to understand my feelings right know.
Sometimes I´m very good at supress my feelings, and just go on like nothing happened.
Maybe a defense mechanism ?
Because I know I have to make a decision and it´s not going to be easy.
When I meditated a lot of signs was coming up, and I looked them up in my books The language of the Anilmals, and The language of the plants and that made me laugh.
I had a sense that it ment exactlly what I later on read.
Do my guides know that I have this book to look in to get a clue to what I need?
Some signs I can understand immeditatly.
But sometimes when I trying to fool myself theese signs come up which I don´t quit get,
then I look them up and then I understand the whole meditation.
Some signs I don´t understand until a little bit later on when I´m reday for it.
One thing is sure I should meditate more often, even though it´s very though sometimes, I need to listen to my heart without my mind getting in the way trying to control everything.
And for me it´s easier to meditate in a group so maybe I should find a meditation group ?
So I can get even more wise, and so I know what I should do next, without my ego interfering and bringing fear to my decisions.
Everything seemed so clear in my meditation today, but I need some more clues, something is still missing.
Maybe there is when courage comes in *LOL*?
Everything you see is a mirror
Dear Liara,
Thank you !!!
Your comment is so true and comes right from the heart :-)
I think many of us lives in a lie in this society to fit in and are being afraid to show our inner self because the others may not love you then.
I was one of them … but not any more, I have to be true to ME in the first place.
And then others can look at me and maybe have the courage to be THEIR true self?
Everything we see is a mirror …We can spread the rings on the water ;-)
Love Jessica
Liaras comment:
"Human beings exist to learn what it means to dedicate themselves to the truth and confront the lies or illusions they have created.
This revelation encourages a constant process of learning what it means to love and respect oneself.
This also implies a willingness to self-monitor in order that we think and feel as accurately as possible the truth or reality as we perceive it at a given moment.
When we lie to others, we also lie to ourselves.
It is possible for every being to develop their capcity for openness and truthfulness.
Witholding the thruth in favor of protecting a lie never serves you."
Also Mollys comment on Paulos blog touched me:
"Not being authentic, true, even when it might be painful to someone else, serves no one. Being true and authentic not only liberates yourself, it allows others to be liberated."
Then I have to add that it is not easy when you have had a pattern for a long time so we also need to be kind and tolerant to ourself for not being able to change in 15 minutes.
It´s a ongoing process :-)
And also not be afraid to ask for help when we get stuck.
We need to help each other, being a chain of giving and recieving.
P.S I hope you don´t mind me quoting you Liara and Molly, if you do please tell me :-)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Thoughts about a story
It touched my heart deeply and made me cry.
He is a writer which have made an huge impact in my own life.
Making my progress in life speed up and also make me feel hope for the future.
Which I had lost a while ago.
I think that the most important thing in life is love and that we touch each other in a way or another.
Otherwise the earth is going to be a very cold place to live, if we shut out love.
And that is why I have to be the change I want.
Not easy, but I learn everyday :-)
And Paulos books and blog has helped me a lot !!
By coming out from my hidingplace and have the courage and faith to share love in a way or another even thought I might not have any in return.
Someone has to be the first .... and then I might get some love in return later on from another human?
I WILL keep the faith, not give up !!!!
Keeping open to love
Paulo Coelho
on January 14, 2009
There are moments when we would like very much to help someone we love deeply and we just can’t seem to do a thing.
Either circumstances prevent us from drawing closer or else the person has shut off to any gesture of solidarity and support.
So, all we have left is love.
In those moments when everything is useless, we can still love - without expecting anything in return, any exchanges or thanks.
If we can manage to act in this way, the energy of love begins to transform the universe around us. When this energy appears, you always perform your work successfully.
“Time does not change men. Will power does not change men. Love changes men,” says Henry Drummond.
I read in the newspaper about a child in Brasília who was brutally beaten by his parents.
As a result, she lost her body movements and her power of speech.
Admitted to the Base Hospital, she was taken care of by a nurse who said to her every day: “I love you.” Although the doctors guaranteed that she could not hear and that the nurse’s efforts were all to no avail, she kept repeating: “I love you, don’t you forget that.”
Three weeks later on, the child had recovered her movements. Four weeks later, she started to talk and smile again.
The nurse never gave any interviews and the newspapers did not publish her name - but let it be registered here, so that we will never forget: love is a great healer.
Love transforms, love heals.
But at times love builds mortal traps and ends up destroying the person who has decided to surrender completely.
What strange sentiment is this that deep down is the only reason for us to go on living and struggling and trying to make things better?
It would irresponsible of me to try to define it because, like any other human being, all I can do is feel it.
Thousands of books have been written about it, plays put on at the theater, films produced, poems scribbled, sculptures carved in wood or marble - and even so, all that the artist can convey is the idea of a feeling, not the feeling itself.
But I have learned that this feeling is present in the small things and manifests itself in the most insignificant of attitudes we take, so we must always have love in mind when we act or fail to act.
Picking up the phone and uttering that affectionate word we have been putting off.
Opening the door and showing in someone who needs our help.
Accepting a job. Leaving a job.
Making that decision that we were putting off for later.
Apologizing for a mistake we made that will not leave us in peace.
Claiming a right that we have. Opening an account at the florist’s - which is more important than the jeweler’s. Playing the music loud when your loved one is far away and lower the volume when he or she is nearby.
Knowing how to say “yes” and “no” - because love involves all of man’s energies. Discovering a sport that can be practiced by two.
Not following any prescription, not even those listed in this paragraph - because love calls for creativity.
And when none of this is possible, when all that is left is loneliness, then remember a story that a reader once sent me:
A rose dreamed day and night about having the company of the bees, but none ever came to land on her petals.
But the flower went on dreaming: during many a long night she imagined a sky with lots of bees flying towards her and kissing her tenderly. In this way she managed to resist to the next day, when she opened again to the sunlight.
One night the moon, knowing how lonely the rose felt, asked her:
- Aren’t you tired of waiting?
- Perhaps. But I have to struggle on.
- Why?
- Because if I don’t open up, I will wither.
At moments when loneliness seems to crush all beauty, the only way to resist is to keep yourself open.
Angel card
Your true self- radiant, powerful,successful and intelligent-is now shining through the surface.
Allow your true self to be visible to others, for you lift them up and inspire them.
You are awesome in so may ways, and you are beginning to trust reveal your true nature more easily.
At one time, you mave have believed that you had to hide your feelings from others (or even to yourself).
Now, however, you realize how vital and attractive expressing your authentic self is.
Your angels are guiding you to honor your true feelings by expressing them to yourself and others.
The angels will help you lovingly talk about your true feeling so that no misunderstandings occur with friends and loved ones.
Your angels will never guide you to do or say anyhthing that can hurt you or anyone else.
They will also ensure that your life will emerge to a new level of inner peace as you let your true self come out and play.”
Just what I needed to hear today :-)
Thougts on a wednesday
Yesterday at work I stared to feel feel nauseous.
And after dinner I felt even worse, so I went to bed 6 p.m and dreamt very strange dreams.
Today I stayed at home becaused I still feel feel nauseous and got a headache, and also my daugher of 7 years are home because she has streptococcus and eating penicillin.
So I thought it is really important that we take care of ourself in the first place otherwise we can´t help anybody else.
I sometimes forget that and put myself at last place.
But I have tried to changes this, because I can´t help someones else if I´m not well.
When I became sick, I wondered what was wrong with me being so tired, exausted, depressed and having 4 bronchitis in a row which I needed penicillin for.
Now I know it´s because of inner stress (being hard on myself, never being satisfied with myself), outer stress (surroundings, enviroment) which can be a result of not listening to my heart and just move on whole the time not stopping and listening to myself.
So now I eat naturopathic drugs and next weak I´m going to take some test in a strange machine which can measure a lot of things so I know exactlly what I should eat and not eat and also which vitamins and such I should have more of.
We have to take care of both our body and our soul :-)
I´m working on it doing my best to listen to myself and what I need to become well again.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thougts about Karma and past lifes
I have had dreams since I was little about people that are in my life and why there are in my life.
But I have not listen all the time, I have been thinking that I was cursed to know so much about other people, what they think and what they feel.
But the last year I have discovered that it is a gift.
For example, I can correct my karma in this life to do things diffrent this time.
Not get caught up in the bad circle but instead totally turn into the light.
But it is not easy, my soul want to do it, but my ego has told me to not listen and just continue my life as I always have done, hiding in a safe place.
I have always had difficulties knowing which was my own thoughts and thoose of others.
Because I can read others thoughts very often, and I can also feel their pain in my body.
I have discovered that even more since I started doing healing.
So my salvation is that I become ill and discovered healing, and spirituality by attending a medium course and healing course, otherwise I should thought that I have become crazy.
When I have attending this courses I have had so many messages to others that they can relate to very well, so now I don´t doubt my inner voice and guides any more :-)
I have also known that I can´t change others by telling them what they should do,
because of what I see.
I have to let them have their experience, but sometimes it´s really hard when you know something and you know that you shouldn´t tell them this, but you want to.
It takes a lot of responsability, what can I tell and what shouldn´t I tell.
But when it comes to myself, I don´t see very much, only small fragments of past lifes.
Maybe I could see more if I wanted to, but I don´t want to see too much, it scares me.
I have been doing regressions with a physic medium ,and now I can understand why I feel some things but I can´t find the clue why from this life.
I know I have to have courage to do what my soul and heart wants to do, not be scared of others opinion for healing and physic medium.
Maybe this fear comes from a past life as a witch being murded *LOL*?
Only God knows totally why we have the lifes we have, and the purpose of them.
But I beginning to have a clue, a step closer the truth ;-)
Karma quotes:
“Love conquers everything even karma.”
“People accept only that person as their leader who is radiant with good knowledge and karma (deeds). ”
“Those blessed with the karma of good actions praise the Lord. O Nanak, they make the Guru their spiritual teacher. In the fourth watch of the early morning hours, a longing arises in their higher consciousness. They are attuned to the river of life; the True Name is in their minds and on their lips.”
“If you place complete faith in the Lord at all times, you will receive His Grace. Grace takes away the pain of Karma. The Lord can save man completely from Karma.”
“A real 'karma-yogi', who first acquires knowledge and then works for the welfare of people, quite naturally becomes popular and famous. There is no enemy of such a man but even if there are, he is able to vanquish them. His popularity in the society increases on account of his successes and good deeds. ”
“O mind, there is only the One medicine, mantra and healing herb - center your consciousness firmly on the One Lord. Take to the Lord, the Destroyer of the sins and karma of past incarnations.”
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Thoughts about Change
I have made a journey into my soul and found the spiritual world and found my path again.
And it has also been a year of many and fast changes in several ways.
Thinking back on everything, I´m very proud of myself.
I can also see that things I thought was a curse was intstead a miracel in disguise, like me being sick and I had to take time off from my work.
I have learned a lot by the hard times I have been thrue.
I would not be without them. And still there is large descisons to be made that is going to have impact on my life on many levels.
It is not easy to make this changes, but it feels real good in the soul to follow your heart and your true feelings.
It makes you become whole again.
What else can we do?
Nothing according to me.
There all still many people on this earth becoming sick because they are not true to themself and only follow the others will, because they think the others are right.
But who are "the others"???
The truth is that we all have our own truth inside of us, noone else can tell you what you should do to live your life.
But I also think we are never done with the work to follow our heart, we have to listen even know and then to our inner voice.
It´s like being a air traffic controller. We have to check that we are in line with our path so we not wonder off to far ;-)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Songs of today
Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten
Natasha Bedingfield - Soulmate
Thoughts about: Hug your shadow
And I have started do the excersises in it to learn even more about myself , and why I react as I do.
I think it´s because my sometimes low thoughts about my self stops me from do what I want because I don´t think I deserve it.
I hope that this book can make me become more whole :-)
But as I said before it´s a process, I have to have patient with myself and forgive myself when I fall back in old patterns.
I have lived with them for 34 years, so it will take some time to change them to become a habit ;-)
I recommend the book to everyone to read, it´s a very good tool to gain more insight of yourself and then also understand people around you better.
Just a little quote from the book (I looked it up randomly):
"We live with the opinion if something should be divine it has to be perfect.
There we are wrong. The fact is it the opposite.
To be divine it contains to be whole and to be whole is to be everything, the positive and the negative, the saint and the devil.
When we take time to discover our shadow and its gifts we can understand what Jung meant by the expression "The gold is in the dark".
We all need to find that gold to be able to reunite with our holy I."
Another quote:
"The meaning with doing shadowwork is to be whole. To stop suffer.
To stop hiding us from ourself.
When we have done this we can stop hiding from the rest of the world.
Our society celebrate the illussion that the rewards goes to thoose are perfect.
But many of us are beginning to realize that is a cost to be perfect.
The consequence to imitate the idealhumans can prey us, physical,mentally, emotional and spiritual. I have worked with so many good people that has suffer from diffrent diseases - addiction, depression, insomnia and sick realtionships.
They are people that never gets angry, never think about themself in the first place, never pray for themself. Some of them have cancer in their body and don´t realize what it comes from. Deeply burried in their body, deeply hided in their conciusness, are all their dreams, anger, hurt and their yearning.
They where raised to think about themself in the last place because that was what good people do. The hardest thing for them is to release themself from their upbringing, to discover who they really are.
Because they deserve their own love, deserve forgivness and compassion and also their right to express their anger and egoism."
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thoughts about Friendship
To me a true friend is a men or a women which we can tell anything and they don´t judge us.
And they don´t talk bad things behind our back because they are jealous.
A true friend is happy for us when we having success, and support us when we need it, and they are also honest when we are on slippery ice.
But they should also be able to forgive each other if any trespasses took place, and try to not make the same mistake again.
It takes two to tango and everyone has to admit to themself what they did and then think:
What can I do to bring more love into the realtionship?
It is about give and recieve, not only give or not only recieve.
A true friend can share our burden and also our joy.
Sharing is the key :-)
A poem:
Cherished Friends
God must have known there would be times
We'd need a word of cheer,
Someone to praise a triumph
Or brush away a tear.
He must have known we'd need to share
The joy of "little things"
In order to appreciate
The happiness life brings.
I think He knew our troubled hearts
Would sometimes throb with pain,
At trials and misfortunes,
Or goals we can't attain.
He knew we'd need the comfort
Of an understanding heart
To give us strength and courage
To make a fresh, new start.
He knew we'd need companionship,
Unselfish... lasting... true,
And so God answered the heart's great need
With cherished friends... like you!
Quotes about friendship :
I am speaking now of the highest duty we owe our friends, the noblest, the most sacred
— that of keeping their own nobleness, goodness, pure and incorrupt. . . .
If we let our friend become cold and selfish and exacting without a remonstrance, we are no true lover, no true friend.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe-
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
- Walter Winchell-
An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.
- Buddha-
A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.
- Fr. Jerome Cummings-
Along with trustworthiness, consistency is the thing to look for when you surround yourself with people who can help you on your quest.
- Michael Johnson-
Otherwise … I don´t dare to think what could happen :-S
I refuse to give up, we have to do what we can everyone of us.
I do what I can to share the old wisdome, we have to listen, that is why we have two ears and one mouth ;-)
Quotes found on the web
It is this sharing that must be considered with great care by the Elders and the medicine people who carry the Sacred Trusts, so that no harm may come to people through ignorance and misuse of these powerful forces.
"Resolution of the Fifth Annual Meetings of the Traditional Elders Circle, 1980
I ask you to Bless the white man,
He needs your wisdom, your guidance.
He has tried for so long to destroy my people
And only feels comfortable when given power.
Bless them with wisdom.
Show them the peace we understand.
Teach them humility
For I feel they will destroy themselves and all our children
As they have done for so long with Mother Earth.
I plead, I cry.
After all
They are my brothers and sisters."
Sandy Kewenhaptewa, Hopi
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Poem of today
I gazed in your eyes,
Such a beautiful blue;
My heart whispered to me,
And that’s right when I knew;
The waves had ceased crashing,
On the sand at our feet;
Time had stopped passing,
My search was complete;
I finally discovered,
What I'd known all along;
A mystery uncovered,
That just couldn't be wrong;
It wasn't our first kiss,
Nor' the day that we met;
But I realized something,
I will never forget;
With the stars shining brightly,
From high up above;
I'd one word to describe it,
That word, is love.
I knew then these feelings,
For my sweetheart were true;
The man of my dreams,
And my soulmate, is you.
I think of it every time,
That I look at the stars;
This memory is mine,
But that moment was OURS.
- Stephanie Lumley -
I read almost everyones comment.
But some caught my attention because they touched me a little bit extra.
Maybe it´s because thoose stories touch my soul directly, and make an reaction in me?
It takes a lot of courage to open your heart to everyone in the world to see, that make yourself very vunerable. But that also comes thrue when you write touching other people.
Your soul noone can take from you.
They can take everything else but not what you truly are inside.
And even if some people want to use your kindness and vunerability, let them and forgive them for not knowing better.
Because I also believe in karma, what goes around comes around i a way or another, and I hope that some day all men and women wake up and change their nonworking patterns.
And also if we have a good intention it counts to good karma even though the result may not be the one we wished for.
I also make mistakes and maybe hurt other people even if I don´t want to, because of old patterns I don´t see.
We have to see them before we can change them.
We should be kind to ourself and other people, forgive ourself for our trespassing as we should forgive thoose who trespasses us.
Not easy to do , but who said it should be easy ;-)
But it is the only way to have more love in the world, I believe.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The inspiration of today
Every disease an herb to cure it
And every person a mission.
This is the Indian theory of existence."
Mourning Dove, Salish
I have always felt close to the indigenous peoples way of life.
I feel a strong connection somehow with them.
Especially the Native Indians from America (north and south).
They had so much wisdome which we modern people have forgot.
For example to live in symbios with nature, not trying to conquer it.
So I will raise my voice and lift up the old wisdome that we have forgotten.
I think we need it to become whole again.
To see things from a more spiritual view again :-)
That is my opinion.
Quotes found on the web
Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.
We are more than the sum of our knowledge, we are the products of our imagination. "
Ancient Proverb
Although we are in different boats you in your boat and we in our canoe we share the same river of life.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The inspiration of today
- Eleanor Roosevelt
My day
But I believe it´s because a cold virus, so I will take it easy today.
But a parent of a friend of my dauhgter called and asked us over and we couldn´t say no, so we went to their house in Norrtälje where they recently moved in.
It was a beautiful house from around 1930 :-)
The children played and we grownup was drinking coffé and talking.
We haven´t seen them for a while so it was fun to see them again and the children played and had a really good time.
Monday, January 5, 2009
My day
Then we strolled around in the city and just enjoyed ourself.
We really needed that !!!
I have also been looking at colour and floor to my healing/massage room and I think I found almost what I had in mind.
I take one step at the time, so I get closer and closer to fullfil one of my dreams :-)