Saved by the bell (a miracle)Lately everyhting seems to going my way ... it´s a miracle :-)
I can´t believe it almost, it´s to good to be true.
The last year everything went donwhill for several reasons (both private and work).
Now slowly everything is going better and better.
Not long ago I didn´t know what to do, I was almost turning bankrupt and without a job.
I just couldn´t go back to my "old" work, it made me sick to be there.
I knew I had to follow my heart otherwise my soul would slowly die, I just needed to listen to my heart very carefully.
But with a friends help and the goverment I´m on the right track again.
It ´s like you are swimming in the wrong aquarium, you feel trapped and you don´t know how you can switch it, you need some help to move to the ocean :-)
I was so depressed and sad, and I prayed and the answer was:
*Not to worry, he only tested my faith (very funny *LOL*)
*Just believe in miracles and they will happen.
*Forgive yourself for the mistakes you done, an also forgive thoose who hurt you.
*And also I made a promise but that is a secret for now ;-)
And there are also questions God (or the Source or whoever it is) will not answer he/she just smile back at me, and some I don´t understand yet.
But I hope I will understand soon or maybe I just have to understand that God work in mysterious ways.
Some people around me has believed I´m crazy when I say that I talk to God, they was afraid that I was nuts.
Maybe I should not have told them, could have saved me a lot of trouble.
The funny thing is they say they believe in God (or do they really???).
Now they has accepted it, but can´t understand it.
Here in Sweden many think you are crazy if you talk to God, so let them think so I don´t care anymore.
I also took courage and told the goverment about my situation and they helped me thank God.
So now I´m on my way back to recovery again.
Doing what I love: reiki and massage and spiritual work :-)
I just cross my fingers and hope it can stay so for a while so I can get back on my feet totaly again.
But for now I´m just so happy and feel blessed that a solution came along.
Still there are issues to solve, but I´m sure the stronger I get this will be solved somehow.
Love Jessica