Friday, February 27, 2009

Believing the impossible

Believing in the impossible - Part 2
Paulo Coelho
on February 27, 2009

Even so, now and again we hear the following comment:
“I always believe in dreams, I often try to combat injustice, but I always end up disappointed.”
A warrior of light knows that certain impossible battles are worth fighting and so is not afraid of being disappointed, knowing as he does the power of his sword and the force of his love.

He vehemently rejects those who are unable to take decisions and are always trying to pass on to others the responsibility for all the bad that happens in the world.
If he does not fight against what is wrong – even if it seems beyond his strength – he will never find the right way.
My Iranian publisher, Arash Hejasi, once sent me a text that said:
“Today a heavy rainstorm caught me by surprise when I was walking down the street … thank God I had my umbrella and raincoat.
Except that they were both in my car, parked quite a distance away.
While I was running to get them I thought what a strange sign I was receiving from God –
we always have the necessary resources to face the storms that life prepares for us,
but most times these resources are locked away in the bottom of our heart and this makes us waste an enormous amount of time trying to find them,
so that when we finally find them, we have already been defeated by adversity.”
So, let us always be prepared; otherwise we will miss our chance, or lose the battle.
My comment:

Don´t ever give up, just keep on trying, do the best you can :-)
Then you know at least you did your best and you can be proud of yourself, even if the outcome sometimes isn´t the one you expected.

It is the intention that counts …. God knows ;-)
At last yor effort pais off in one way or another.God work in mysterious ways,

we have to be open for whatever miracle comes our way :-)
I believe in miracles even though I sometimes can feel like I live in a Saga … maybe I do *LOL*?

We create the world we live in, that is why we need to change our thoughts to more loving thoughts all of us,if that is the world we want to live in.
I want more love and more sharing in the world anyway, so I will do what I can.
We have to be the change we want, and I hope more and more people will wake up, then we can create even larger miracles :-)
What we think, and then what we do in action, that becomes our reality.

It start with our thoughts that is why we should choose our thoughts carefully.

Love and light Jessica

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