Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who am I ?

Who am I, I am who I am.

I have promised myself to express the real me in every situation.
But it has only made me come into trouble so far :-(

No one else around me understand me and they think that I´m nuts.
And I know that I´m not crazy, but other people judge me and put a label on me.
It is easy to do when you don´t understand what I´m saying.

It´s to frightening and it comes to close to their own heart.

So I feel that I have to lie to get out of this place even though they wan´t my best they don´t understand me.

And the people around me wan´t me to stop writing and talk about spirituality.

But I will never quit, I have to write about what I feel otherwise I´m going crazy.

But I feel so alone in this, who can I trust?

And I know that I need support, but in a calm way, I need time to melt everything also.
Sometimes my vision goes so fast that I don´t know what is real and what is my fears?

Who can help me to sort this out I have been asking myself lately??


  1. Your own heart, dear Jessy! If You believe in Yourself, Your heart, Your life, even the hard circumstances will become easier - but for that You have to step over the threshold... out of the door into the light and fear nothing - nothing in the meaning of not being afraid of living, afraid of life. It's hard if people don't understand You, if people think that You're going on the wrong path. But You have to believe in what You feel is right. Trust Your inner voice, how ever strong or quiet it is. If You trust, it will grow bigger and bigger. And any day the people who judged You, will see, that they were wrong. Even if they do not show it to You in an open way. They will understand.

    Liina L.

  2. Jessica, I also feel like the people closes to me would not understand my spiritual life.
    You on the other hand are working right now in bringing your spiritual life to the front with the people closes to you. Like you mentioned before in a post it's about balance.

    There is a prayer,comforting words,I like to say when things seem dark,

    The Light of God surrounds me.
    The Love of God enfolds me.
    The Power of God protects me and
    The Presence of God watches over me.
    And all is well.

  3. Thank you both of you :-)
    You bring sunshine again into my life.
    It has been really dark for a while, but now I can see the light in the middle of the tunnel.

    Much love and blessings to both of you :-)
