Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today I was meditating.
I haven´t done this for a time now and I know that I had to,
to understand my feelings right know.
Sometimes I´m very good at supress my feelings, and just go on like nothing happened.
Maybe a defense mechanism ?
Because I know I have to make a decision and it´s not going to be easy.

When I meditated a lot of signs was coming up, and I looked them up in my books The language of the Anilmals, and The language of the plants and that made me laugh.
I had a sense that it ment exactlly what I later on read.
Do my guides know that I have this book to look in to get a clue to what I need?

Some signs I can understand immeditatly.
But sometimes when I trying to fool myself theese signs come up which I don´t quit get,
then I look them up and then I understand the whole meditation.
Some signs I don´t understand until a little bit later on when I´m reday for it.

One thing is sure I should meditate more often, even though it´s very though sometimes, I need to listen to my heart without my mind getting in the way trying to control everything.

And for me it´s easier to meditate in a group so maybe I should find a meditation group ?

So I can get even more wise, and so I know what I should do next, without my ego interfering and bringing fear to my decisions.

Everything seemed so clear in my meditation today, but I need some more clues, something is still missing.
Maybe there is when courage comes in *LOL*?

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