Thursday, January 8, 2009


I often read Paulo Coelhos blog and yesterday he started to have a "your space in my blog".
I read almost everyones comment.
But some caught my attention because they touched me a little bit extra.

Maybe it´s because thoose stories touch my soul directly, and make an reaction in me?

It takes a lot of courage to open your heart to everyone in the world to see, that make yourself very vunerable. But that also comes thrue when you write touching other people.
Your soul noone can take from you.
They can take everything else but not what you truly are inside.

And even if some people want to use your kindness and vunerability, let them and forgive them for not knowing better.
Because I also believe in karma, what goes around comes around i a way or another, and I hope that some day all men and women wake up and change their nonworking patterns.

And also if we have a good intention it counts to good karma even though the result may not be the one we wished for.
I also make mistakes and maybe hurt other people even if I don´t want to, because of old patterns I don´t see.
We have to see them before we can change them.
We should be kind to ourself and other people, forgive ourself for our trespassing as we should forgive thoose who trespasses us.

Not easy to do , but who said it should be easy ;-)

But it is the only way to have more love in the world, I believe.

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