Sunday, January 25, 2009

Quote from Fatih in Paulo Coelhos blog

I read this prayer from Faith in Paulo Coelhos blog and it touched me deeply.
It´s so beautiful and just how I also feel like right now
So thank you Faith for publishing it :-)

Help me as I let go of more things in my life
To shed more of what is no longer working for me in my path
To have the heart and the strength to accept my Truth
To continue walking this road with You.
Help me as I jump off the cliff again
In faith that I will be able to spread my wings
In hopes that I will fly and soar
In gratitude because You are always with me.
Thank you for all the things and people you have blessed me with.
Thank you for having the trust that I can make it.
Thank you for believing in me.

1 comment:

  1. I was actually contemplating on discontinuing my blog. Sometimes I feel it's useless to write my own thoughts when no one is reading it. But then, the morning I read your comments, I knew I was being given a sign that I'm doing the right thing sharing my experiences to the world, as blogging has helped me on my path of healing.

    How wonderful Great Spirit leads us to one another and assists us on our spiritual path. Your words carry so much meaning and inspiration to me, and I am forever grateful you have also found comfort in my own prayer.

    I hold your hand, dearest Sister of the Light, and walk with you now as we journey this lifetime alive and awake.

    Bright blessings always!

    Love, light and laughter,
